Monday, June 11, 2012

I have been in my area now for 4 months and am ready to leave ha I’ve been here for a while and am ready to have a change of pace. I have had to open both of my areas and I am ready to go to an area that has progress in it already so I can help people that know a little bit about the church. It’s fun to start from the beginning but it’s draining and takes a lot out of you. We’ve had 7 lessons in one day and wow that is a killer day along with contacting in the street. This week was a good week for us, not too much happened! We had 3 investigators in sacrament meeting and another one of the Lords converts, which we helped, teach received the Aaronic Priesthood. I love being able to help these children of God make these commandments and being able to see them receive the Priesthood.

We have a sister named Lucia that we have been teaching for a while and we have had some difficulties with her. She wasn’t reading the Book of Mormon earlier and she’s starting to now and we had an appointment with her yesterday after church to see how her reading went and we arrived and she wasn’t there. She usually is so we will go back tomorrow but I can see as we talk to her and teach her more with love and the Spirit the Lord is softening her heart every single time we go back. At first she was like no just the Bible is the word of God but after a while we helped her realize that she can’t just judge the BOM before reading it and she said about the part she has read that she likes it. Overall this week was a pretty good week for us and I’m excited to conquer another.

That’s about it for me this week, I hope you have a good week and stay safe.

Te Amo, Cole

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