Monday, May 7, 2012

This week was good for us, nothing miraculous happened sadly. We have4 baptisms planned for this month so hopefully I’ll get to see them. Another 6weeks has gone by so changes are this Wednesday and we won’t know until tomorrow night if we have changes. I hope we don’t but if I do ill have a new adventure ahead of me. It’s been really hot here and the bad thing is we can’t get away from it! No one has air conditioners so were sweating 24/7! I bet you can imagine how dirty the collar of my shirts are, ya they are gross. I hate the feeling of a wet collar, it really bugs me and I can’t wait to have normal shirt but it’s just one of those things we have to get used to. Well that’s about it for me this week, sad huh? Our investigators are progressing thankfully and we have people to teach! This area is way better than when we found it. Just the cutest thing ever, were teaching this little girl that is going to be baptized in two weeks and we asked her if she needed anything from us and she said yes I just want you two to keep doing what you’re doing, being really good missionaries. Wow this melted my heart, it was the cutest thing ever!

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