Monday, October 1, 2012

Ya my last letter might have been a little tough but it was a good one huh? I have dealt with a lot of things here in the mission and somehow am able to keep going, I'm not sure how but I'm doing my best. I don't always feel like its enough but its the best i can. I do have a mosquito net, i got bit in the street near a huge tank of water and had a really bad rash but its almost gone. Sometimes it goes away then comes back its really bad and i didn't have any bleeding so it wasn't bad dengue. As for the medical insurance will it cover all or will we have to pay because if we have to pay then i dont think i will want to do it, ill feel bad.
That's a funny story about the sandwichIs the house on the market? Is all the stuff moved into the new house? When you started off that story i thought you were going to end it by saying that you left it in the shed for weeks and it collected mold and had rats and you had to call someone to come clean it up...your ending was a better one. :) That's awesome about Chris Anthony got is mission call, has he sent in his papers yet? Maybe by the time he fills them out, sends them in and goes ill be home so i could say by to him. That's awesome that he can, he will love the mission!
Things here have been good for us this last week, we had a lot of interesting experiences. On my hour and a half bus ride here to write i was thinking of some of them and ill share a couple with you. My area is really really big and we don't have cars or bikes so we have to take buses, which cost a lot, or we ask rides so we were asking for rides on the high way and an 18 wheeler gave us a ride, that was cool at first. So we were going normally and all of the sudden one of the tires pops and that was a little scary but everything was good. Recently they started paying the police again which is good but that might have been too much to ask for because now they aren't paying the postal sorry to the people that wont be getting my letters right now haha One of the families we were teaching and were going to baptise this week is not doing so well. The man came home drunk a couple nights in a row and now the woman doesn't want to marry him so that is just a little problem. We are trying to get things worked out with them so we will see how it goes. Other than that things are well, I'm getting healthier and still attempting to lose weight but its just not happening.

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