Monday, August 6, 2012

Things here have been good, it’s really hot but the work is progressing. We are hoping to have the wedding and baptisms this week, were hoping it all happens. Things are very difficult in this country but it makes good memories and I'm learning from it. Things really do happen in the time of our Father in Heaven, maybe we have been having the problems with the papers we need for a reason, it’ll all work out though, I know it. We are working hard to strengthen our ward, this ward is amazing but we have some areas to improve like all do. I am now the District Leader, meaning I am in charge of 5 other missionaries and our progress of work. I am really excited for this and to see how it all goes. In my mission I have felt a lot of things but the ones that I focus on are the good times and the learning experiences I have had, well every bad time has made a learning experience so it all has been good and for the best.

Well I think that's about it for me this week, a lot is always going on and were keeping busy. This next week will be a very busy week for me, a lot of traveling but I'm looking forward to it. I hope all goes well and the reception goes smoothly. Remember to keep it fresh.

Love always,


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