Monday, April 30, 2012

This past week was good for me; a whole lot seemed to have happened. I’ll start with the best, we had a baptism! Finally we baptized Hermano Jesus! Me and my companion like to joke saying we baptized Jesus again but really we are happy we had the privilege to teach him. He was the hardest person I’ve ever taught, his mind isn’t all there so it was tough but after we dropped him like 3 times then started teaching him again things got better and he was baptized and confirmed Sunday. After his baptism he shared his testimony and wow that was powerful. It was cool to see the thing she had a problem with before, the things that wouldn’t allow him to be baptized earlier, he had a firm testimony of now.

On Saturday we had the opportunity to attend a dedication of a new church building here in our zone that as well was really cool. Our mission president came out and dedicated it and the prayer was beautiful! He read it all, which was a little weird but it was good. Before the dedication he gave a talk and he had someone play primary songs on the piano while he was talking, that was really odd actually. I got a kick out of it; it seems like something that would come from the Office.

Last night we stopped by an investigators place to talk to him and we had an interesting experience. He owns a pizza shop and he gave us free pizza and a soda, that was cool, then he showed us his house. After he told us that he doesn’t like his church and doesn’t really go so that was a great opportunity for us to talk to him more about our church. Right as we were about to leave he said hey I have this friend that is from Canada and lived in the States forever do you want to go meet him? Oh by the way this investigator lived in the states for about 15 years so we were speaking English. But we went to this Canadian guy’s house and it was huge! It is the nicest house I’ve been in here and it made me miss home! His wife is from here that’s why they live here but she offered us Iced Tea and we had to explain to them the Word of Wisdom and how we couldn’t drink things like that. It really makes me realize we can talk about the church and the things we know all the time if we are listening and in tune with the spirit and want to share the gospel!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Time is flying by and I don’t know what to do! It’s way hard to get a hold of what’s going on and I don’t know if I ever will. Anyways this last week was good for me, not too much happened. We will be having a baptism for a man we have been teaching for 8 weeks, way much but it’s ok! Our relationship with him has been like a bad relationship with a girlfriend. We are good and he is progressing and then he stops progressing so we have to stop teaching him and then he starts progressing again and we get back together and teach him so it’s been a wild ride! Yesterday he had his interview and he passed so I pray all goes well today and tomorrow! We should be having another baptism on Saturday, we have been teaching him through the phone, which has been interesting. I’ve had to get used to praying on the phone and it is still kind of odd but it’s ok, I still feel the spirit.

This last week we got to go to an old persons home and help them out. I made some tortillas, they were terrible but it’s the taste that counts and we helped cook food, talked with them and sang. I have some funny pictures I will be adding with them and some other members in our district and some in elders in our zone.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Siempre recuerda que Jesucristo Te Ama mucho. Dios esnuestro padre celestial y el nos conoce personalamente, cada uno de nosotros!