Monday, January 9, 2012

Hey there mom and dad,

I like the best regards at the end of the email! Well I have to say that this past week was not what I wanted or expected. It was a very very hard week on me knowing that my dad was deathly ill and I couldn’t be there to help out or even see him one more time if he happened to pass away. I know that through Jesus Christ we can be happy and know that families are eternal, which is some pretty great knowledge if you ask me. I teach that lesson, The Plan of Salvation, almost every day and I didn’t think that I would have to be learning about it for myself while I was on my mission. It’s not something that I will ever want to have to use but then again it kind of is. I know that we all have missions to do after this life and if we live our lives in accordance to his teachings, then we can be with our families forever. After fasting for two days and praying lots I finally got the comfort that I needed when I got to talk to Mom, President Haymond, and my mission president, President Glazier. They helped me realize that I need to be here and that we do have a Ward Family back at home that does love my family, I am very grateful for this. My parents are the people that would do anything for anyone and I know that a lot of the families in the Hiram Ward will also so I thank them for their support for my Mom, Dad, Family and as well me. I appreciate all of the emails of support from ward members, there are a lot so I won’t be able to reply to them all in one week but ill will gradually.
I just want to say how lucky we are to have a Stake President like President Haymond. He really is a very spiritual man and without him and his help to me, I don’t know if I would be on a mission. He really is called of God and will help anyone who is in need; I have experienced this over the years of knowing him and this past week as well. He made me realize once again that i have two names on my name plaque, the Lord´s and my last name. I am here serving both of them and I need to make them both proud. As hard as it is me being here and not in Ohio where I want to be, I need to be here. I have that faith, or hope, that I need to have to know that things will turn out ok.

in a special blessing that I had before I came on my mission i was told that every life experience i have will help mold me to become a great man one day and I have to say that my life has not been a walk in the park. I like to think of it like a walk in the highway at night. I have to walk in such a way that I don’t get hit by cars and I have to pay attention to the headlights of the cars coming at me so I can see. Life often times is dark and we can’t see the things we need to but we always need to look for the light, it might be small and hard to see but it will always be there. Christ will always be with us if we allow him to be.

Mom if you can email my mission president or call him to tell him what is going on so that I can know what is going on will be great…its needed here. It stinks being in another country not knowing what is going on with my Dad. So, anyway you can get a hold of him would be great.

Thank you all for your support, it is much needed and I can feel your love all the way in El Salvador. I hope everyone has a good week and I know Dad will get through this.
I love you lots Dad! Remember i still want you to be here when i come back.

Elder Herman

Monday, January 2, 2012

Greetings and Salutations from El Salvador,
How are things going for everyone? It seems like this past couple of weeks have been busy for everyone. These past couples of weeks were kind of boring for us actually. A lot of the members and our investigators were all drunk or left town because of the holidays so we didn’t have much to do but we got through it and are back on our feet. It’s interesting to see how different countries celebrate their holidays, I sure learned a lot about how they do it here, it’s not my preference but whatever pleases them!
That’s cool to hear about the new investigator. A cool story I heard a while ago was about a woman who didn’t understand any English, she couldn’t read and she lived in the States. So as you could tell it would be hard for this lady to learn. It wasn’t going well for the missionaries because they couldn’t talk but once they gave her the BOM she knew it was the true church. That book has so much power we don’t have to read it, well we need to if we can but the Spirit that it invites can tell someone who can’t read or speak English that this really is the true church of God. I love that book!
Things with my comp are great, I love him so much! He is hilarious and is teaching me a lot. There are never dull moments between us so it makes things interesting. As for cambios (transfers) we have them this week and I found out last night I’ll be in the same area another change. So this means that I’ll be in my first area for at least 6.5 months…at least until the next change in 6 weeks. I feel like I have some things to do here so I’m working hard to take care of them…baptisms I mean.
New years I spent the night in my house with my companion talking about things and not being able to fall asleep until like 1 because the beechos outside our door were throwing off fireworks that sounded like bombs all night. Oh oops beechos are kids ha, a Spanish lesson.
What are your goals for this New Year? Our lesson on Sunday was about goals and I have a couple. Mine are just to read the Book of Mormon once every 6 months and to perfect Spanish…as well as some other small goals. I have a lot to work on and a lot that I want to change before I get back.
I am very grateful for this past year and the so many things that I learned and got to do. I am grateful for being here and can’t wait to get back…in 17 months! I hope everyone has a good week.
Love always,
Elder Herman