Saturday, July 30, 2011

Hello all! How are you?

Dad it was perfect timing for you to send that dear elder letter. I got it last night and had time to read and prepare what I wanted to say so I hope it’s a lot better this time. Things are looking up for me! The cool story of the week is: So I’ve been working really hard to memorize the first vision, in Spanish, and when we were teaching our teacher about the restoration of la iglesia de jesucristo de los santos de los ultimos dias we got to the part of how Joseph Smith knelt down in the grove and said the prayer to God. I said it fully in Spanish and she started to cry and after I asked why and she told me that when she was on her mission she did that to an investigator and then they knew right then the church was true and our teacher, Hermana Anthony, really felt the spirit. That made me feel really good because during lessons I don’t say too much because I don’t know as much as my companion does but when I do speak I do so to the best of my ability and I let the spirit teach. One thing I have really learned is I might know almost no Spanish but through the power of the spirit anything is possible and anyone can understand what you’re saying in any language. This for me was a huge boost! :-)

Katie made a blog for me? I have had a lot of people tell me they read it, thank her for doing that for me! Hopefully I can add some pictures to these emails sometime soon if I can figure out where we can do that, if we even can.

How is work? Are you traveling a lot more now than you were when I was home? That’s awesome about Jim taking the discussions, he is a good guy and I’m glad that I was able to in a roundabout way introduce him to the church (and Rebecca). I can’t even describe how the amazing this church is. It’s hard to believe how people don’t accept it. I know it’s amazing and boy it sure has blessed me and my family.

Today we got to go to the temple, finally. It has been closed since we’ve been here for cleaning and this was our first time in it and it was cool. I received answers to my prayers about specific things and can’t wait until we get to go back next week! Also I prayed in Spanish with my companion in there and that was really cool. Words that I didn’t think I knew I said so that was another testimony builder.

That's awesome that the Mafia to Mormon guy came to YC. How was he? One of my friends here, another elder that Liz Felix knows told me more about him and he has an amazing story. It’s awesome to see what people go through to support and testify about our church. I know right now I would put my life down for the Lord and His Church. Like Joseph Smith said...persecutions may rage, mobs may combine, calamity may defame but no unhallowed hand can stop the work from progressing. What strong words those are. Its awesome knowing how important our church is and what it can do for us.

How is mom’s foot doing? Oh random but I found one elder that is going on his mission to Cleveland Ohio and he reports here within the next couple weeks. No sisters though, that I have seen or met.

My companion is still a goof ball but we're getting along well. I’m glad he is a hard worker and he likes being here. I keep having to remind myself to be patient so I hope one day I just become patient and don’t have to worry about kicking myself when I say usted listo or you ready...he is slow and I like being on time!

How’s mowing the grass? I miss all of you can’t wait to hear from you, especially you, dad.

And the last thing, I challenge you all to start reading the Book of Mormon again if you haven’t. I have a goal of reading it twice by the time I leave here...4.5 weeks. I want to do it once each in Spanish and English. Well that’s all I can think of for now. Thank you all for the prayers, letters and support.

I love you lots,
Elder Herman

Monday, July 25, 2011

Letters are like GOLD!

You can write Elder Herman a letter on this website, or email him at

If you use the website(his mission is free of charge), be sure you select the Provo MTC until he's shipped out. It's a super convenient and easy way to write to him without having to lick the envelope or pay for a stamp!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Regarding my plantar warts. First I went to the Dr and they said they were really bad. They injected them with some medicine and I have to go back in a week or so to get them Injected again. He said these are really bad and I should have gotten them taken care of earlier. Sorry, but It hurt to walk and I knew I wouldn’t be able to walk every day on my mission if I didn’t get them taken care of. The one on my big toe is on the whole side, it’s massive.

It’s crazy how hot it is there, it’s been really warm here too but not that warm. It never rains here either which is no fun at all. How did the garage sale go? Mom will have fun in GA, I know she will, she sounded really excited when she wrote me In her letter.

That’s awesome about Vera! I’m glad she is staying strong and Is having a good time. I needed garments because I didn’t have enough when I got here and some were already ripping, sorry there’s nothing I can do about that.

From now on, while I’m In the MTC will you respond through Dear Elder ( ) so that way I can plan out what I’m going to write and I can be more efficient? Will you tell Tace that too because then I will know what to say ahead of time. If you could write on Dear Elder by Wednesday that means I would get It Thursday and I would be able to plan out what to say and be more efficient.

This week has been a long week. Nothing really happened except 6-ish hours of class every day. My Spanish is coming along and I’m still learning stuff every day. I hope I get to a point where I know everything that is going on. That would be great to do that. Thanks so much for the package, I really needed that. I needed to have things from home because I’m getting homesick here. It’s hard to not think of home and family when we’re in a classroom all day.

The computers won’t allow us to upload any pictures here or get on the Internet. All we can do is get on the church website and email and won’t let us upload pictures. When I get to El Salvador I’ll be able to upload pictures.

I’m doing my best. Have a good week.

Love, Elder Herman

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Hey all

Things here are going well. Its crazy thinking I have been here for 2 weeks and two days. Time is flying by and I cant wait to get out of here and teach the people in El Salvador. My spanish is improving and I now have the prayers, testifying and can talk in spanish decently! I understand it more than I can speak it but i guess that’s how it goes. Not much is really happening here, just lots of classes learning the language and teaching people.

The funny story for the week - We were teaching an investigator and we were takling about repentance. I was trying to say when we repent we are forgiven and our sins go away, but instead i said when we repent our fish go by. I didnt know how to say they go away so I said adios which is bye. And fish in spanish is pescados and sin is of the two or the other way around, I got myself confused now but I said our fish go bye and the investigator looked at me funny and laughed. I sat there and stared at him not knowing what was going on and then he finally explained. I guess we learn by trial and error, huh?

And any pictures you can send me would be great, I can’t wait to get them. I have received several letters and I love getting them from all of you! Ive been getting them at perfect times when I start to get down on myself because of the language and they all lift me up its amazing.

Mom told me about the party and I laughed really hard. It seems like a lot is going on at home. That’s awesome that mom is going to visit Brent, will you have him write me? A letter letter would be good but an email is ok! How were the races, I know you were really happy to go to them hahahahaha. I will always remember the small things in life, especailly now. I miss Air conditioning a lot, our room is 80 degrees and no matter how many time i complain they wont fix it. Its annoying.

Sorry this isn’t very long but I have to reply to tace also. I love you all and miss you all! One of my new favorite scriptures is 2 Nephi 33:6.. I glory in plainness; I glory in truth; I glory in my Jesus, for he hath redeemed my soul from hell.

Stay classy all!

Love, Elder Herman

Friday, July 8, 2011

I hope Anthony (Marra) is right. Its so hard not to even doubt yourself when other people are learning way more than you and way faster. Its so annoying! I hope a lot of people do write me because letters are like gold!

It sounds like things are going great at home! Tell everyone I said hello and I miss them all! So this week has gone by really fast. We have really good devotionals here. We had one by Dallin H. Oaks daughter and she talked about how she is a professional violinist and she gave that up to become a full time mother and stay at home with her kids. It really makes me think about my future wife! You would think missionaries wouldn’t be thinking about that already but they sure do! We have been learning a lot and I am starting to remember how to pray and bare my testimony in Spanish. I can’t wait to get out of here already and teach Gods children. For the people who don’t know El Salvador in Spanish means the Savior. This to me is amazing because I feel like I will be going to His land to teach His children. I forget what section in the scriptures it is but it says that the work won’t stop from progressing until it has sounded in every ear and the people will hear it in their language. I feel blessed that God knew that I could do that and that’s why I keep going on even when I get down about learning the language.

The food here is still good. All you can drink PowerAde! Boy they sure do treat us :-) We had a cool fourth of July program here and we had fireworks and ice cream but we didn’t partake in the ice cream because we started to fast that night. The fireworks were cool but it was kind of sad when we found out that someone from a different country got offended because of how we celebrated our freedom, even thought we celebrated everyone’s freedom. I’m thankful that we’re free and we have the freedom of religion. I love that I can serve a mission this easily and bring His children back into his fold.

I miss you guys so much and think about you every night. Oh my companion now claims when he doesn’t shower his face smells like chocolate ice cream...ya now I don’t think I’m the odd one. He also collects rocks, this is really cute! HAHAHA

That’s pretty much it for me! Remember the Dear Elder thing to for people who don’t want to send actual letters. Remember letters are gold here.

I love you so much dad and miss you a lot. I miss you calling me silly names and giving me a hard time.

Tell the youth to keep going to the temple. I wish I had done that more now. It’s an amazing experience and I wish I would have done it more.

I love you and miss you! Stay classy, San Diego.
Elder Herman

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Elder Herman and his brother, Tace, before Elder Herman entered the MTC.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Hello all!

Dad if you could forward this to people that would be great. I'm sorry I can't write all of you specific emails, I only have 30 minutes. It would be great to get letters from all of you. Elders here love getting letters and bragging about it! My time here has been good. Learning the Spanish language is really hard. It's actually very depressing at moments and It's hard not to get down on yourself when you don't understand it and everyone else does. I think I have already learned more in the 3 days I have been here than I did in two semesters of Spanish in high school. We have learned how to testify and pray so far as well as meeting someone.

Something interesting is that we are the pilot group for a new program. Last night we had to teach a full spanish lesson to an investigator that knew no english...that did not go well! We know very little Spanish and he speaks no Americano. My companion’s name is Elder Summers. He is a Utard! Thats all I need to say about him. He is a good guy and he forgets everything in the room, so we have to go back together and get his things. He has a good heart and means well but it tests my patience a lot of the time. We got a piece of paper saying we leave here August 29, I cannot wait for that. Our dorm room is about 80 degrees and it's very hard to sleep at night with it being so hot. I know I'll be hotter in El Salvador but I want it to be nice while I can here.

I miss you all! The food here is pretty good. Mom we had Papa Johns last night and I won a pizza eating contest. I pounded 16 pieces and won by 5. I've been playing basketball everyday and that's been good. I already rolled my ankle. Pray I don't get hurt. I have been eating more salad here than I did the past year put together at home! I'm not sure how to add pictures here yet so I will ask someone this week so I can for next week. Since this is our first week we have a half P-day today just to email, do wash and fold laundry. My regular P-day will be Friday's. I would like letters because then I don't have to rush and type a million emails.

Well that's all I can think of for now. I will continue to work hard and do my best. I know God will bless me if I keep being persistant. I love you, miss you and think about you all a lot every day.

Elder Herman